Lake Titicaca is divided in two by the Peninsula of Copacabana: Lago Mayor (main lake) is the northern part and the Lago Menor (minor lake) or Lake Huyñaymarca is the southern part. Our expedition is focused in the Huñaymarca archipelago, a very little known region, rarely visited by tourists. In this place we will learn more about local customs by spending a night in a family house, sharing lunch in desert islands and camping in places where vicuñas will be our only company. We’ll also catch sight of vizcachas and a great variety of birds, some of them endemic and endangered species.
FIXED DEPARTURES: JANUARY 6 to 10th / 13 to 17th / 20 to 24th / FEBRUARY 3 to 7th / 24 to 28th / MARCH 3 to 7th. Come paddle with us on this journey that crosses one of the few areas of the Peruvian coast without any towns or roads, whose only access is by sea, and where the most beautiful beaches of Peru are hidden. They are 65 km of volcanic and desert area with a unique geography, which we will travel in special expedition sea kayaks. Dolphins, sea lions, otters and penguins, are part of the rich marine life, and we will often see them accompanying us on our journey. Explore coves, caves, beautiful beaches and vast variety of other wild life. Camp in epic locations and our chef will surprise us all each day with delicious meals. It will be an unforgettable trip!
El lago Titicaca es el lago navegable mas alto del mundo, y está dividido en dos partes por la península de Copacabana: el Lago mayor es la parte norte y mas extensa, y el Lago Menor o laguna de Huiñaymarca es la parte sur. Nuestra expedición se centra en la zona norte y mas conocida, pero exploraremos las partes menos conocidas y recorridas de esa zona. Acamparemos en playas de arena blanca, entre campos de cultivo y dormiremos tambien en unas casitas de los pobladores de la comunidad de Ticonata. Veremos vizcachas y una gran variedad de aves, algunas de ellas endémicas y en peligro de extinción. Al final del recorrido en kayak retornaremos a Cusco pasando a acampar y explorar por el Cañón de Tinajani. Cada día remaremos entre 2 y 5 horas a un ritmo medio, y haremos caminatas por la tarde. Una lancha a motor nos acompaña en cada tramo por si alguien se cansa. Altura 3815 msnm todo el tiempo de remada, y hasta 4116m en el punto mas alto de las caminatas. Grado de dificultad medio. No es necesario tener experiencia previa pero si regular estado físico.
Pacaya Samiria is the largest protected flooded forest of the world and one of the richest places in biological wealth on the planet. Between its biological diversity we find 449 of tropical bird species, 102 of mammals, 256 known species of freshwater fish, 69 of reptiles and more than 1000 varieties of plants, as well as species in danger of extinction like the giant otter, the black lizard, the manatee and the pink dolphin of the Amazon.